M 35 is estimated to be about 2800 light years away, while NGC 2158 is about 5 times farther away. These two clusters are not related, their proximity is just a matter of perspective from our location in our galaxy. NGC 2158 can be observed through telescopes, while 10x50 binoculars resolve the brighter stars in M 35. This cluster is roughly 110 Million years old, pretty young, if we consider the age of the Universe (about 13.7 billion years). M 35 has a diameter of about 23 light years. We're getting closer to it at a speed of about 5 km/sec.
M35 (upper left hand quadrant) and NGC 2158 (lower right). I took this picture through a remote-control Slooh.com telescope
Below is a map of M 35's location, a screen capture from Starry Night Pro by Simulation Curriculum:
There are a number of "easy targets" in the sky at this time of year; I picked just one.